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Gas springs

Spare parts for all models | Body Work and Mounting Parts | Gas springs

Here you can find all products from the category "Gas springs" for your selected vehicle from modell series "All".

*Entering a vehicle identification number will speed up your search. This feature will not be available until 1998. Alternatively, you can apply filters manually in the left-hand area.

Gas filled strud for VW Lupo
Art. no.6E0 823 359 D
You save 19%
€45.49 €56.49
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Gas filled strud for VW Polo 9N
Art. no.6Q0 823 359 C
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Gas filled strud for VW Polo Estate
Art. no.6K0 827 550
You save 40%
€29.49 €49.49
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Gas filled strud for VW Polo Mk2
Art. no.867 827 550 D
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Gas filled strut T3
Art. no.251 829 331 A
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Gas filled strut for Golf Mk1 Convertible top
Art. no.155 871 997 A
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Gas filled strut for VW Golf Mk1
Art. no.171 827 550 A
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Gas filled strut for VW LT Mk1
Art. no.281 881 177
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Gas filled strut for VW Lupo
Art. no.6E0 823 359 E
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Gas filled strut for VW Passat B5GP
Art. no.3B5 827 550 E
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Gas filled strut for VW Polo MK2
Art. no.867 827 550
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Gas strut for VW Golf Mk3/4 Convertible
Art. no.1E0 871 997 A
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Gas strut for VW Lupo
Art. no.6E0 827 550 B
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Art. no.191 827 550 B
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Art. no.251 829 332
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Art. no.251 829 331 B
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Strud for VW Polo Classic
Art. no.6K5 827 550 C
You save 52%
€23.49 €48.49
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

Strut for VW T4
Art. no.703 885 065 A
You save 60%
€29.49 €72.99
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

gas filled strut
Art. no.245 827 401 C
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees

gas filled strut
Art. no.3A9 827 550
prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees