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Spare parts for Touran | Engine

Here you can find all products from the category "Engine" for your selected vehicle from modell series "Touran".

*Entering a vehicle identification number will speed up your search. This feature will not be available until 1998. Alternatively, you can apply filters manually in the left-hand area.

Control unit for VW Golf Mk5
Art. no.06F 133 062
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Piston for VW Golf Mk4, New Beetle
Art. no.038 107 065 GP 001
You save 42%
€178.99 €306.49
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Seal for VW Golf Mk5
Art. no.1K0 121 345 B
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Set of piston rings for VW Golf Mk4, Bora
Art. no.036 198 151 H
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Spring disc
Art. no.058 109 641
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Suction pipe cover for VW Golf Mk5
Art. no.03G 103 907 A
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Support part for VW Golf Mk5, Polo Mk4
Art. no.03C 133 036 C
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Verbindungsrohr für Golf 5
Art. no.03C 131 521 T
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Ölrohr für Golf 5, Touran
Art. no.03C 145 140 A
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Angled hose for VW Golf Mk5, Eos
Art. no.03C 133 784 K
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Cover for VW Golf Mk5, Passat B6
Art. no.06D 109 167 A
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Intake connection for VW Golf Mk5
Art. no.03G 129 713
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Intake pipe for VW Golf Mk5, Passat B6
Art. no.03C 133 204 AH
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Breather line
Art. no.06F 103 212 D
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Cooler for exhaust recuperation
Art. no.03G 131 512 AP
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Cylinder head with valves and camshaft (without pump/nozzle)
Art. no.03G 103 264 FX
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Drive unit
Art. no.06F 133 619 A
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Gas line FL3-FL4
Art. no.1T0 201 420 D
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Intake manifold
Art. no.03G 129 711 AS
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Pressure hose
Art. no.3C0 145 832 D
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs