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Spare parts for Scirocco | Engine

Here you can find all products from the category "Engine" for your selected vehicle from modell series "Scirocco".

*Entering a vehicle identification number will speed up your search. This feature will not be available until 1998. Alternatively, you can apply filters manually in the left-hand area.

1 set of connecting rods
Art. no.068 198 401 D
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

1 set of piston rings
Art. no.068 198 151 C
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

1 kit of piston rings Golf Mk2 Scirocco Mk2
Art. no.030 198 151
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Abutment for VW Golf Mk1
Art. no.027 133 207 B
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Abutment for VW Golf Mk1
Art. no.049 129 239 E
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Adapter plate
Art. no.036 129 326 A
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Adjusting nozzle
Art. no.026 129 070 B
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Adjusting washer
Art. no.056 109 570
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Adjusting washer
Art. no.056 109 571
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Adjusting washer
Art. no.056 109 572
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Adjusting washer
Art. no.056 109 575
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Adjusting washer
Art. no.056 109 578
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Adjusting washer
Art. no.056 109 579
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Adjusting washer
Art. no.056 109 561
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Adjusting washer
Art. no.056 109 562
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Adjusting washer
Art. no.056 109 564
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Adjusting washer
Art. no.056 109 565
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Adjusting washer
Art. no.056 109 566
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Adjusting washer
Art. no.056 109 567
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Adjusting washer
Art. no.056 109 568
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs