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Spare parts for Golf Country | Engine

Here you can find all products from the category "Engine" for your selected vehicle from modell series "Golf".

Charge air cooler Golf Mk2 G60
Art. no.191 145 805 D
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Art. no.171 407 293 B
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Connecting rods for Golf Mk2
Art. no.037 198 401 A
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Connection piece
Art. no.535 121 647
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Console for VW Golf Country
Art. no.191 199 273 H
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Control valve central locking Golf Mk2 Passat B2
Art. no.443 862 153 B
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Cylinder head
Art. no.037 103 351 B
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Cylinder head gasket set
Art. no.027 198 012 L
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Cylinder head seal
Art. no.037 103 483 C
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Engine carrier
Art. no.191 199 201 D
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Engine carrier with mounting for VW Golf Country
Art. no.191 199 201 F
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Engine mount console
Art. no.357 199 535
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Exhaust valve
Art. no.037 109 611 A
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Exhaust valve for VW Golf Mk2, Mk3
Art. no.053 109 611
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Float for VW LT Mk1, Golf Mk2
Art. no.025 129 391 A
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Front sealing flange
Art. no.051 103 152
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Fuel accumulator (K-Jetronic) Golf Mk2 Passat B2
Art. no.853 133 441
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Gasket set
Art. no.030 198 031
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Hose for gearshift lever
Art. no.191 711 236
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs

Inlet valve
Art. no.035 109 601 K
All prices include VAT, plus shipping costs